We Place Great People at Great Companies
Since 2004, our dedicated team has connected thousands of job seekers and employers within Denver and surrounding areas. We’re much more than a temp agency. Our mission is to deliver the best talent to the companies we work with through an honest and straightforward approach.Employee Placement Options
- Flexible
- Fast Hire
- Employees Searching for a Career
- Full Screening
- Weekly Billing
- Employees Receive Sick Time
- Employee Benefits Available
- Flexible
- Quick turn for employee and employer
- Short-Term Project
- Seasonal
- Unexpected Spike in Business
- Fast Hire
- 8 - 8,000 hour projects
Direct Hire
- No Upfront Cost or retainer fees
- Find Top Talent
- Attract Employees Currently Working
- No Cost Until Hire
- Guarantee
Payroll Services
- Quick Hire
- You Locate the Employee
- Low-Cost
- Screening Available
- Weekly Billing
- Flexible Payment Terms
- Payroll one employee or
We Find Them. You Keep Them.
Industries We Serve
Solar & Renewable Energy Jobs
Optics & Photonics Jobs
Aerospace & Defense Jobs
Human Resources Jobs
Medical Manufacturing Jobs
Engineering Jobs
Temp-to-hire placement gives Clients and Employees the most flexibility. Whether you’re looking to hire 1 employee or 100, T2H offers employees and clients the opportunity to check each other out. Think of it as a working interview. Both parties want to establish a long-term working relationship but let’s make sure we are right for each other
The Employment Firm locates and thoroughly screens all candidates, and the candidates are available for you to interview if you choose. Otherwise, we can send you their resume, and you can start them at your company after the drug test, eVerify, and background check (if required) are completed.
The Employment Firm pays the employee weekly and withholds all required taxes. We provide all the necessary insurance coverages, including worker’s compensation, general liability, and employee dishonesty bond.
The Employment Firm bills the clients weekly based on the approved hours.
TEF stays in contact with the client and employee to make sure everyone is happy throughout the temp-to-hire period.
When the temp-to-hire period is complete, the client can convert the employee at no additional charge.
The temporary option is similar to T2H in that screening is the same. We pay the employee based on the approved hours and bill the client weekly. The difference is that the client may not have the intention of needing the employee longer than a certain period of time at the time of hire. This option comes in handy when a client has seasonal work, an unexpected spike in business, or a short-term project.
Pro Tip- Many assignments start as temporary, and the client hires the employee based on their excellent performance.
Direct Hire
A company hires an employee directly when they know they need a position filled ASAP and want to commit to the employee right off the bat. The Employment Firm will recruit candidates and handle all screening and interview coordination. We base our direct-hire fee on a percentage of the employee’s first-year annual salary. The great part is it does not cost you anything until you find that perfect person and they actually start the job.
Payroll Services
We offer low-cost payroll services to Companies looking for an experienced and local payroll provider option. You can payroll and employee for a short period of time while you complete your onboarding process or keep them on our payroll for an extended period of time. In today's tight employment market, many employers use these options to get someone going quickly before they accept another job offer.